Tag Archives: lgbtq

Two Weeks of Adventure in a Single Post!

Guess who’s back??! Did ya miss me? I know, I’m sure I miss all of you too. Except you Eric, I hate you. I must say though, that I have replaced you all with Freja. I mean COME ON, LOOK AT HER! What can I tell you… I feel as if I have lived in my home for snapchat-2598745205057920197months rather than two weeks. It’s so odd. I’m also getting used to living with men–even more odd. I did have my first experience of falling in a toilet because the seat was up Thanks Valdemar. I still have a fear of my shower because it drains really slowly and I’m not sure if there is a hidden button that drains the water of if it allows a drop of water a minute to sneak down the pipes, but I always return to a waterless shower so I guess it works??

School: I haven’t died yet. Okay, let’s be real, this school probably has the most work of all the study abroad options (my old roommate is literally swimming with the fishes and has a pool in front of their dorm on the beach… K.) I’m reading a lot–nothing compared to Whitman–but it is actually SUPER INTERESTING. Pro tip#1: take a gender studies class You. Will. Never. Have. The. Options. They. Have. Here. At. Whitman. Pro tip#2: Never take a class solely to impress a girl. Like if they, hypothetically, are really interested in prison structures and basically live at the local penitentiary and on your first date they have an interview for a grant to tour prisons around the world, one of which is, in theory, in the location of your study abroad program and they were, I don’t know, in contact with a professor at your school who taught something like Criminology and Criminal Justice in Scandinavia, and you think “I should take this because she’s interested in it, and we can keep in touch by talking about this common interest…etc.” Don’t. Just don’t do it. Pro tip#3: Switch out of the class if it doesn’t feel right, this experience for you, and only you.

So I switched out of a class (obviously not connected to the hypothetical situation mentioned above), and took another gender class. Current classes include: Danish: Language and Culture, Prostitution and Sex Trade, Gender and Sexuality in Scandinavia, Psychology of Human Sexuality, and Pornography in Scandinavia. The last created quite a stir in my family (my dad’s side are Trump supporters, and I think that says it all). I may have retaliated, just a bit. It felt good, REMEMBER these experiences are for you

I have a pretty great queer community here. Look at us at at a gay cafe, Oscars– get fb_img_1472058252038their cider it’s A++. I’ve gone to a lesbian bar, Vela–the ONLY lesbian bar because women’s sexuality is often ignored even here. I’ve also went to G*A*Y* which I’m not sure if it’s actually called gay or Gee-Ayy-Why?? Will update when I find out for sure, but it’s a dance club BUT WE ALSO DO NON-PARTY/DRINKING THINGS. WHICH DOESN’T REALLY HAPPEN OFTEN BECAUSE THERE AREN’T SPACES FOR THAT IN THE US. e.g. We get dinner together and make gay jokes together and travel together and watch The L Word together like the gays that we are.

Okay we’ve gotten to the point where I’m going to run onto a new post–we knew I wouldn’t keep with my goal of a single post. The next will be immediately posted about my visit to Christiania ft. Street Art that I may tattoo on my body.

P.S. I fell off of my bike the other day because I am not a Dane who has ridden a bike since the age of 1 and it was quite a show. I managed to ride my bike into a pole, fell off into a bush, and then down a concrete hill. I was 99% sure I broke my knee so that’s cool. It was to the point that I slid down three flights of stairs on my butt. Yay.

P.P.S Tinder is A+ here even if there are some weirdos