Category: Uncategorized

  • Mekong River Dams and Dolphins

    The mighty Mekong River, resembling the flow of life, journeys its way through Southeast Asia while nurturing the creatures and landscape within and around. The water holds flourishing life and mystery beneath its surface that countless Cambodian people rely on for their livelihoods. However, while the river is mighty and strong, riverine ecosystems are ever…

  • Week Trip Around Cambodia!

    This past Monday, our Cambodian crew returned from a week long trip through Cambodia. We headed out East close to the Thai Border. Each day offered a new journey and understanding, from the conservation of endangered Asian Elephants, to the challenges faced by indigenous people, and the heartbreaking history of the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge…

  • Fresh in Cambodia!

    After a seemingly endless 17-hour flight, I finally touched down in Siem Reap, Cambodia, ready to embark on an unforgettable study abroad adventure. The moment I stepped off the plane, I met all of my classmates and a few staff who have all in short time turned into my family here. The first few days…

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