Ousmane Barry, Intern at Giocherenda

Ousmane Barry, Senior Economics Major and Minor in Data Science, shares about their internship with Giocherenda.

“Hello, all you enthusiastic fellows of economic impact! My name is Ousmane Barry and I am an international student from Guinea. I am currently a senior majoring in Economics and preparing to minor in Data Science. Currently, I am in the midst of an exhilarating internship experience with an organization called the Giocherenda. Giocherenda is an organization that is committed to creating positive change in the Palermitan communities, as they see solidarity as an obligatory choice because they believe that we all depend on each other. Therefore, they are invested in helping to promote integration among societies in the city of Palermo where their headquarters is but also in all of the Italian territory in general. My internship role at Giocherenda is comprised of a different array and responsibilities, from budgeting, and seeking funding opportunities to promoting shop marketing, networking, and fostering collaborations with different organizations that share common goals but also with Government institutions.

Since my first day as an intern at Giocherenda, I was engaged in developing comprehensive budgeting plans for the organization, and this task involve meticulous financial analysis of both past and present spreadsheet expenses, and these are used to identify areas for future cost optimization and for possible strategic resource allocation. My goal for this project is to create a robust budget that falls in line/ Concorde with the organization’s mission, ensuring the organization’s long-term financial sustainability and growth. So far, I have laid the groundwork for grants application and I initiated fruitful collaboration in which each one will contribute to Giocherenda’s journey towards meaningful changes.”


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