Anthony Maniko, Intern at Edulution in Zambia

Anthony Maniko, Computer Science Major, shares about Embracing New Horizons: Thier Summer Internship at Edulution in Zambia

“Greetings from the beautiful city of Lusaka, Zambia! My name is Anthony Maniko, a computer science student at Whitman College. During the summer, I had the opportunity of a lifetime to participate in a summer research project with Professor Janet Davis as a Microsoft Chair Research Assistant and got an internship with Edulution as a Software Developer intern through the Whitman Internship Grant.

At Edulution, I am fortunate to be contributing to a significant web-based application that allows users to log and track technical support issues at Edulution. It provides a centralized location for storing and managing support tickets, as well as for tracking progress. The system also provides an easy-to-use interface for both clients and technical support staff.

The primary aim of the system is to log technical support issues in detail to provide data used for decision-making by management, operations, and procurement. The system also aims to help boost the satisfaction feedback loop between the tech support team and all who use their services.

As part of the team, I am involved in the development of the technical support app and an interactive educational platform that incorporates gamification and personalized learning paths. The platform aims to make learning engaging and fun while catering to individual learning preferences and pace. This technology-driven approach can bridge educational gaps and empower young minds with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the digital age.

Each day at Edulution is a thrilling blend of creativity, teamwork, and community engagement. My day typically starts with a warm welcome from the team, followed by a stand-up meeting to discuss the day’s objectives and progress.

Throughout the day, I immerse myself in coding, testing, and debugging the features of the app and interacting with end-users, understanding their needs, and tailoring the product to suit their requirements better. I also collaborate with other interns and colleagues, brainstorming ideas and discussing potential solutions to challenges. The work environment is both vibrant and supportive, fostering a culture of constant learning and growth.

During lunch breaks, I relish the chance to interact with fellow interns from diverse backgrounds, learning about their cultures, and sharing our experiences. This multicultural exchange has enriched my understanding of global perspectives and broadened my horizons beyond the boundaries of my classroom at Whitman.

As the internship progresses, I have already accomplished several milestones. I actively contributed to the development of the platform’s user interface, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for students and teachers alike. Additionally, I assisted in implementing a recommendation engine that tailors learning content to individual student needs, promoting personalized and effective learning.

Looking ahead, I hope to play an integral role in the successful deployment of this platform in various schools and communities in Zambia. Witnessing the positive impact of our work on the lives of students is a source of immense satisfaction and drives me to give my best to the project.

My internship at Edulution has been a transformative experience that complements my academic journey at Whitman. The practical skills I’m gaining as a software developer are invaluable, enhancing my classroom knowledge and bridging the gap between theory and practice. Working in a dynamic team and adapting to real-world challenges has sharpened my problem-solving and communication skills, which are essential qualities in the ever-evolving field of computer science.

This project is directly connected to my academics at Whitman, especially in the areas of software development, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction. By putting my theoretical knowledge into practice, I am gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter, solidifying my passion for technology.

Furthermore, this internship aligns perfectly with my long-term goals. As an aspiring Software Engineer, I envision leveraging technology to address global challenges, particularly in education and socio-economic development. Edulution’s commitment to transforming education in underserved communities resonates deeply with my personal mission, and I am confident that the skills and experiences I gain here will be instrumental in shaping my career path.”


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