Year: 2022

Life as a student in Budapest (Part 1 – City overview)

It was a full, multifaceted learning experience – starting from cultural adjustment, visiting local markets, figuring out transportation, falling into tourist traps, making friends, getting lost, and registering for classes! Budapest is super lively and vibrant! Budapest is so full of life! I got to live near Deák Ferenc tér (It’s literally the center of…Continue Reading Life as a student in Budapest (Part 1 – City overview)

The Hungarian Survival Language Course Experience in a nutshell

Sziastok! Last Wednesday, I was officially done with the optional Hungarian Survival Language Course. It is absolutely and extremely recommended for anyone going to Budapest for either AIT or BSM (in fact, both programs attend the same program and go on the same trips!). Although the majority of  Budapest speaks English, you might need basic…Continue Reading The Hungarian Survival Language Course Experience in a nutshell

Sziasztok! Hi From Budapest!

Hello Everyone, Or, shall I say, Sziasztok! This is Ahmed Elsayed. I am a junior studying Computer Science and Mathematics, and I decided to spend my Spring 2022 abroad in Budapest (pronounced Buda-pe-sh-t) to study computer science at the wonderful Aquincum Institute of Technology. My program started with an accelerated language course in Hungarian, and…Continue Reading Sziasztok! Hi From Budapest!