Uni life

University of Otago is nothing like Whitman College. It is incredibly larger with not only a larger student body but a larger campus as well. The social life is very different and event the grading system is different. At I finish up my fourth week of classes I realized that this sort of atmosphere isn’t as bad as I thought. I enjoy taking papers that reflect my interests in a way that Whitman College would never be able to. I can attend classes that have to do with indigenous knowledge and culture while also comparing it with my culture as a Native Hawaiian. I also get to hang out with people who are from the Pacific and have similar interests to me.

Now that I think about it I haven’t even talked about what papers I am taking. I am currently enrolled in PACI 103, MAOR 303, MARI 301, and MAOR 110. PACI 103 is my Fijian language and culture class where I am learning how to speak Fijian and engaging with the Fijian community. MAOR 303 is my paper that focuses on the Ngāi Tahu and the Natural World. It basically looks at indigenous resource management from the eyes of the Māori and specifically focusing on the Ngāi Tahu who were from Otago. MARI 301 is my marine ecology paper that allows me to go on the field trips on weekends to do experiments on cockles. Lastly, my MAOR 110 paper is a korero class or a Māori language class.

All these classes are amazing and I am learning so much everyday. It is the first time in my college career that I am taking only one science class and mostly focusing on learning about the cultures of the Pacific. Learning about history and culture is my passion and I am always looking for ways to combine it with science which I think is what the MAOR 303 does well.

Although the weather is bipolar and there is shards of glass wherever I walk I do really enjoy my time here in Dunedin. The people here are amazing and I am starting to establish a support system here with not only my flatmates but the pacific island community. I am off to study and practice Fijian. Moce or Farewell!

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