Fresh in Cambodia!

After a seemingly endless 17-hour flight, I finally touched down in Siem Reap, Cambodia, ready to embark on an unforgettable study abroad adventure. The moment I stepped off the plane, I met all of my classmates and a few staff who have all in short time turned into my family here.

The first few days were a blur of excitement and anticipation, as we were given some well-deserved downtime to acclimate to our new surroundings. However, without much rest, our academic journey took off quickly. The first week was jam packed with classes, lectures, and workshops that left me both mentally stimulated and utterly exhausted. Although the intensity of it has been tiring at times, I am sure that I will look back fondly on it.

After the first week of long classes, we quickly got to explore a lot of Siem Reap where nothing is short of exciting. The city’s vibrant streets, rich culture, and friendly locals made every outing an enticing. And don’t forget the food! Cambodia’s cuisine is a culinary delight, with flavors and spices that dance on the taste buds. One of my favorite aspects at the center that all of the students stay at is the fruit. Mmmm mmmm mmmm. At every meal we have enormous plates of fresh mango, dragon fruit, grapefruit, papaya, grapes, banana, lychee, and tons of other incredible fruits that I do not even know the name of. On top of that we have gotten to try some strange insects and animals. I can now say that I have eaten grasshopper and frog. The taste is not bad at all is you can overcome the mental image of the critter in your mouth.

We have gotten the opportunity in the past week and a half to embark on a few adventures. One in particular was visiting the ancient temples, including the awe-inspiring Angkor Wat, was a highlight. Standing in the presence of these ancient wonders, I couldn’t help but be humbled by the history and artistry that surrounded me. The scale and absolute magnificence of the structures and carvings on the temples is unfathomable until you see them in person.

As for our studies, the topic of conservation has been both enlightening and, at times, heart-wrenching. Learning about the challenges faced by Cambodia’s unique ecosystems and wildlife conservation efforts has deepened my understanding of the delicate balance between progress and preservation. At times the material we are learning is depressing, but I am grateful that our teachers teach it in an optimistic way.

One of my friends from Whtiman, Sothea, graduated last year and is from Cambodia. After arriving in Siem Reap, I reached out to him and to my surprise discovered that we live only 30 minutes apart. We played soccer at Whtiman together and have had the opportunity to play again in Cambodia. Sothea lives in a Village outside of Siem Reap, and him and his village companions formed a team that play every Monday at an incredible turf facility. As the only “ba-rang” (a semi-demeaning term used to refer to foreigners), I’ve embraced the camaraderie of the local players, and they’ve warmly welcomed me into their community. This has been one of the best escapes for me during the busy work week.

The excitement continues as we look forward to our upcoming Saturday expedition. We’re going to meet majestic elephants at the Kulen Elephant Forest. The promise of adventure and discovery keeps our spirits high as we continue to immerse ourselves in Cambodia’s culture and natural beauty.
This study abroad experience has been an exhausting but incredible experience so fat. Each day brings new insights, new friendships, and new challenges. As I navigate this incredible journey, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences with you and look forward to the adventures that await in the weeks to come. Stay tuned for more stories from the heart of Cambodia!

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