Allegria Iteka, Intrn at BICOR Vie et Capitalisation in Bujumbura, Burundi. 

Allegria Iteka, Junior Economics major and Computer Science and Gender Studies minor, shares about their internship with BICOR Vie et Capitalisation in Bujumbura, Burundi.

“Hello, my name is Allegria Iteka, and I’m a rising junior majoring in Economics and double minoring in Computer Science and Gender Studies. I’m currently interning at BICOR Vie et Capitalisation this summer in Bujumbura, Burundi.

After orientation, I worked hand in hand with BICOR Vie et Capitalisation’s senior software developer, Alain Mpagaje, to master details of the main software used by the company to keep updated clients’ information. I worked to familiarize myself with both the front and back end. This experience has enriched me and allowed me to hone my understanding of Java and coding at large, which is something I highly look forward to as a computer science minor and a coding enthusiast.

The culture at BICOR Vie et Capitalisation is that interns get the chance to dive into different sectors and departments. Therefore, I’ve also had the opportunity to work with the company’s marketing team to bring new, innovative ways to raise awareness about the company’s products and services in Burundi. In a team of three, we spent time planning and organizing events to raise awareness about the company’s products and services in the community, with one major event that will last 3 days and will be held at the company’s headquarters in Bujumbura. The event aims to show appreciation for current clients (other organizations and individuals) and will consist of showing appreciation by way of personalized gifts and celebrations held in honor of clients. I’ve immensely gained from this experience and have sharpened my teamwork and communication skills.

Furthermore, I am currently working with the production team and get to interact with clients and assist them by answering questions and familiarizing themselves with the organization’s products. This is deeply meaningful as the majority of BICOR Vie et Capitalisation’s clients are working class Burundians seeking financial advice and stability. I’ve mostly enjoyed raising awareness and interest in the product of Pension Complementaire (complementary Pension), whereby people contribute a small amount of money every month to add onto the retirement funds they will receive from the government’s INSS (Burundi’s National Social Security Institution).

Other highlights from my internship have been working with fellow Burundian youth as a team, learning the company’s core values centered around people and community, and contributing creative and innovative ideas to BICOR Vie et Capitalisation.

BICOR Vie et Capitalisation has provided me with a vibrant and welcoming work environment where my ideas are valued and my participation is highly encouraged and appreciated. I look forward to the annual ARC event (an annual conference held by all insurance companies in Burundi) where my team and I will be representing and advertising BICOR Vie et Capitalisation’s products and services.”


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