About Me

Hello! Welcome to my Blog

I’m Ashtin, and I’ll be studying abroad in Tokyo at Sophia University in the spring semester (March 27th to July 28th). I’m a junior, and I’m currently majoring in History (with a focus on pre-modernity) and Philosophy. Fun Fact: I love to cook and knit/crochet, and I’m currently learning the bass guitar, so you might see some of that in the future.

I’ve never left the country before and am a first-generation/working-class student. With this blog, While, of course, I’m excited to share my experiences at Sophia and explore Japan, I want to emphasize my experiences in budgeting, spending, and figuring out cost-effective ways to not only survive in a semester in Japan but also ensure I’m in a good spot (financially) when I come back to Whitman my senior year. Also, I love to take pictures, so there will be a lot here.