Preparing for Departure

In just a few days I will be departing for Tanzania and needless to say, I am very excited. I wanted to take some time to reflect on why I chose the School for Field Studies Tanzania program, and what my goals are for this coming semester abroad. As a biology major, I look forward to the opportunities I will have to get out into the field and start doing my own research, as well as the valuable knowledge I will gain in the classroom. Ultimately, I have set three goals for myself, and I have decided to keep them rather open-ended, as I approach this experience with an open mind. My first goal is to immerse myself in Tanzanian culture, and to learn as much as I can by taking any opportunities that become available to me. I know that for a small portion of the program I will have the option of living with a host family in the village of Rhotia, and I intend to do this, as well as any other experiences that will allow me to observe and take part in the rich and diverse culture of East Africa. I will be sure to report on those experiences here, so stay tuned for more in the upcoming weeks. My second goal is to improve my own skill set as a biologist, and use my time in Tanzania to learn and practice things that will be integral to my future educational and career plans. The research I do while abroad will help me to formulate my senior thesis, and the things I learn in the classroom will be vital to my future success. Lastly, I would like to improve my communication skills through this blog, something I am very much looking forward to. It is my objective to paint a clear picture of the SFS Tanzania program for readers back home, and to appeal to a wide range of audiences, from family to alumni to students considering studying abroad themselves. I will do my best to keep things entertaining and interesting, and I will try to post about once a week going forward. Unfortunately, due to unreliable wifi, this may not always be possible, but I will do my best and I am excited to share my experiences abroad with you all! Thank you for reading!

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