About Me

Hallo there! Wilkommen to my blog. My name is Jensen (she/her) and I don’t know how to work this website. I am currently studying abroad in Germany with the Institute for the International Education of Students, or IES Abroad. I was accepted into their Environmental Studies and Sustainability Program which takes place in Freiberg im Breisgau. I will do my very best to accurately document my time here. I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors in advance. I hope somebody, somewhere will find this useful or at least mildly entertaining! I am a Biology-Environmental Studies Major minoring in Philosophy at Whitman College and graduating next year in the spring of 2024 (*fingers-crossed* ). I am originally from Honolulu, Hawai’i. I am quite passionate about the environment—urban and natural. I really enjoy the ocean because when you are born in Hawai’i they make you sign a contract saying that you do. I also enjoy playing the guitar, grocery shopping, listening to good music, and rock climbing. I spend most of my money developing film. Please feel free to stalk my Instagram (@jensennd) for more pictures and content. 

“me hugging a tree” picture taken by evelyn k hall